Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 8: Whaling Rough Draft

Today was an accomplishing day for me as I completed a rough draft script for a whaling ship. After reading through different books and internet sources, I made a good rough draft. One problem that I quickly encountered was how to make the script presentable for kids. (Hunting and killing whales wouldn't go over too well in mind). But I had to write about those subjects with some deleted details.

I sent the script to the boss for a read over and get some feedback on it before the end of the day. Turns out that the boss really liked the script but just needs a little more before it is completely ready for presentation. I was flattered that it went so well.

Now it was time for me to get working on another script. I want to write a script about Clipper Ships (they are my favorite) but the boss had other plans for me.

Every other Friday the museum has an event called Family Fun Zone Fridays. The museum puts out some fun activities for people that are walking by, these activities are mostly targeted for kids. These events are meant to draw people into the museum.

The activity that was pretty popular and that I enjoyed was a build-your-own-boat. You were given a sheet of aluminum foil and make a simple boat out of it and see if floats (everyone's boat floated). But the real challenge was to see how many marbles you could out in your boat before it got too heavy or took on water and sank.

Here were the record holders:
1) Catherine 175 (10 years old)
2) Zachary   156 (8 years old)
3) Sara        134  (28 years old)
4) Joe (me)  117  (20 years old)

I don't want to talk about it...

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