Saturday, August 4, 2012

August 3: Last Day in the Office

As the title suggests it was my last day in the office as the intern (I do have to be a gallery attendant the next day though, probably Preview Center). It was also Lauren's last day in the museum (she was my original contact for getting this internship). Lauren was the Administrative Assistant so she was an important player in making the museum run smooth. 

When I first get to work, I'm asked to sign a card for Lauren while she isn't looking. There was also going to be a surprise lunch party for her as well. I spend the morning doing small stuff and looking for things to do but everyone was busy training the person and rearranging the office.

The surprise lunch party for Lauren was a success and we all sang "For she's a jolly good fellow". Afterwards they turned their attention to me and sang to me as well since it was my last day. I also got a good bye card to my surprise. 
(we had chicken and shrimp tacos for the party, good Mexican food is a treat especially since there isn't much good Mexican food in Chicago).

After lunch, I did some product order filing. 
The next job was a bit more unique, I had to catalog old quarterly news letters according to their date. It was interesting to see all the different things that the museum had done in the past. 

At one point the museum hosted the tall ship Lady Washington, to those who don't know this ship played the role of the Interceptor in the Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

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