Friday, July 13, 2012

June 30: A Different Approach

And I'm back at the Preview Center. Maybe the upper management likes to put me there. Because of my radiant personality?

Early in the shift I had a group of seniors (they were obviously in some kind of group program) come through the preview center. I told them about the preview center and how the museum hopes to expand with more interactive exhibits. They gave generous donations and told me that they understood what it takes to properly run a museum.

After the group left, one manager came in to talk to me. I told the manager that I already made quite a bit of donation money. Then she asked how do I get people to donate more money or more frequently than some other staff members. I know that there is a script I should follow when people come in but I altered the script to be more user friendly. The script (or flashcard taped to the computer) seemed to be very bland for me. If it's bland for me, I imagine other people think similarly.
She agreed with me and told to keep doing what I do 'cause it works.

After lunch I was transferred to the SMP. (You won't hear complain about that transfer). I got some donations but one group asked me for a tour. One has asked me for a tour before and I was very happy to give them a tour. I enjoyed giving the tour and I explained how I am creating scripts about some of the ships in the gallery.

They thanked me for the tour. Giving that tour was the biggest highlight for me that day even though I made $30 in donations.

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